Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Kacy Story

Nancy Cotharn Update has used up all our pics. Our new policy will be to include either pics or stories, about either children or pets. We'll start with this one, from Bradley (appropriately pasted in University of Wisconsin red):

Yesterday Kris picked up Austin and Kacy from daycare. On the way out of her room, Kacy (mischievous provocateur that she is) was walking on a pile of blocks she should not have been on. She fell and hurt her stomach, and cried and whimpered her way outside to the truck.

Austin was playing the protective big brother role, with his arm around Kacy, asking if she was ok. When they got outside, he grabbed a dandelion and told her that you could make a wish and blow the seeds off. Austin said "I wish Kacy's stomach would stop hurting," and blew the dandelion. Kacy was delighted with the attention, and her tears turned to giggles. Score one for big brother.

Kacy grabbed a dandelion and carried it into the truck. On the way home, she asked if she could make a wish with her dandelion. Kris rolled down Kacy's window, and told her she could make a wish and blow the dandelion seeds outside it. Kacy said
"I wish Grandmother would get better so she could leave the hospital and go home."