Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Swan Lake; Broken Hip; Successful Surgery; Room 590 in Sid Richardson Building

Harris Rehab wanted Mom to be more independent. So, she took it upon herself to dance Swan Lake, solo, on the way to the toilet.

Not really. I kid. Mom did fall while walking herself to the toilet. She was supposed to have called a nurse to help her. In her own words:
I did a pirouette, fell, and could tell something was wrong.
The nurses found her sitting on the floor of her room, calling for help, with a broken left hip socket.

This afternoon's surgery, to replace her hip socket, was successful. Mom will be moved to
Room 590
Sid Richardson Building.
She will be able to walk on her new hip socket possibly as soon as tomorrow(Wed). She will go back to Harris Rehab approx. Friday, and will begin a full rehab schedule on Monday. The overall impact of the broken hip will be to move her rehab schedule back by one week.

There are lots of male ballet dancers who are famous, but almost zero female ballet dancers. Does anyone know if there is a reason for this? Is it just a fluke?