Thursday, May 04, 2006

Long Term Memory is Good

Mom is barely on the CPAP anymore. Lungs are stronger.

Mom switched from Room 3314 to Room 3319. The new room has a nice and large window, the better to let sunlight stream in, and to normalize her day and night routine. She is re-orienting pretty well, and is already displaying less disorientation. The ICU nurses wake her every hour, around the clock, to ask her questions, and to be certain her neurology is solid. Between that, and machines beeping, and people streaming in and out of her room, for over 16 days now, anyone would be a bit disoriented. If Marines did this same routine to Guantanamo prisoners - waking them once an hour for days and weeks - Senator Durbin(D-IL) would compare the Marines to Nazi torturers. Oh, wait - Senator Durbin already compared Marines to Nazi torturers - even without the waking once an hour thing. Never mind. Lord knows what Sen. Durbin would think of these nurses.

When reading Mom her get well cards, she knows everyone at the nursing home, and what their job is. She corrects me if I mispronounce someone's name. Her short-term memory is not as good, but there are good signs on that front. If you focus on having her clearly understand a short term thing - such as her nurse's name, or why she is in the hospital(aneurysm) - she will probably remember those things 5 or 10 minutes later. A good sign, I think. And the nurse thinks so also.

Having computer (operator) problems. I do not anticipate an update on Friday. I'll get something posted on Saturday, one way or another.