Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rehabbing the Brain

One method is through the resumption of physical activity. Myriad parts of the brain are called to perform during physical activity.

Mom, for the first time ever, underwent a full day of therapy on Monday (3 hours minimum). She pronounced it a difficult day to get through, and had no trouble falling asleep.

Speech therapists ask questions which force patients to call upon different parts of the brain in order to answer. They zero in on the types of questions the patient has the most trouble answering. They put greater focus on those questions.

The brain will repair itself in many instances. When parts of the brain are called upon, the brain will create denser connectivity in those areas. Over time, the brain will adapt to what its user calls upon it to do. Through encouraging patients to use the damaged areas of their brains, speech therapists help patients create healing in their brains. It's just a theory, but everyone believes it works - including the ultimate skeptics: insurance companies.

Mom is quite good at listening to stories and recalling details. She is less good, but improving, at creating lists out of thin air, such as lists of animals, plants, trees, words that start with particular letters, etc. Speech therapists at Harris have already been working with Mom in this area. She has shown good improvement in the last 4 to 5 days.