Yogi Berra/Madison Avenue Assessment
Now, at the end of August, she has improved 100% over where she was during the first part of August.
A lack of news might be good news.
Think back to the days after April 17, when the possibility of death was a constant and near companion.... - Mom's current circumstances are quite a leap forward, yes? Yes!
If you're driving out from Weatherford, you can miss all traffic by driving to Denton, then taking Hwy 380 across to US 75, and then go N to exit 45. If you're driving in from Little Rock, you can hit Hwy 380 northeast of Dallas (off I-30, at Greenville) and miss all the Dallas traffic. Heck, Mom is almost in Texarkana already. In fact, during a spate of delirious road hypnosis, I realized how Anna got it's name: Anna is 1/3 of the way to Texarkanna.
Send Pictures:
On one wall of Mom's Sitting Room, we want to hang pictures of cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends. However, we have almost zero pictures of cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends. We need some Posts, Cotharns, Helgasons, Schwartinskis, Stringers, Lillards, et al. Please send pictures. You can postal mail pictures to Mom in Anna, or email pictures to me (addresses on sidebar). I will print emailed pics onto photo paper, then frame them.
I'll post if anything big happens. At this point, we want to see boring, boring, steady, steady progress - nothing big! A lack of news is good news. A boring blog is a good thing.